Realistic—Realistic types are practical, "hands on," and like to work with things, machines, or equipment.
Investigative—Investigative types like to work with ideas and problem-solving. They tend to be analytical, intellectual, and enjoy math and/or science.
Artistic—Artistic types tend to be independent, expressive and creative. They enjoy using their imagination and creative expression in areas such as art, music, drama, or writing.
Social—Social types prefer to deal with people, and enjoy helping, informing, teaching, inspiring, counseling, or serving.
Enterprising—Enterprising types tend to be persuasive, energetic, sociable, adventurous, ambitious, and risk-taking. They enjoy leading, managing, and organizing.
Conventional—Conventional types prefer to deal with data and things. They tend to be careful, conforming, conservative, conscientious, structured, and pay attention to details. They often enjoy an office environment.